Scientists invent anti-gravity solar panels to purify water

Water purifiers are today almost a necessity. With pure drinking water still a novelty in many other parts of the world, scientists are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to purify water. From ‘hydro panels’ attempted by an Arizona-based start-up to other researches in different parts of the globe, the attempts to procure pure

Water purifiers are today almost a necessity. With pure drinking water still a novelty in many other parts of the world, scientists are always on the lookout for innovative solutions to purify water. From ‘hydro panels’ attempted by an Arizona-based start-up to other researches in different parts of the globe, the attempts to procure pure and safe drinking water is a challenge.

A similar attempt has been initiated by a joint team of researchers from the University of Rochester and the USA Army. The two teams have joined forces to create an anti-gravity solar panel that can absorb and then purify water.

The solar panel is made of an aluminium panel that uses solar energy to accelerate the evaporation of water and then runs a process of purification on it. The aluminium panel too is made using a new device that used laser technology to turn aluminium highly absorptive of solar energy by turning it pitch black. The device used the process of super-wicking to enable the panel to work against gravity and thus hold most of the absorbed water. The solar energy trapped in turn helps to rid the water of any contaminants such as dyes, glycerine, urine, heavy metals, and detergents, thus purifying it.

The solar panel purports to be a simple, inexpensive and durable attempt to resolve the global water crisis.