Did you Know? Employees Of This Particular Company Are Rewarded With a Monthly Bonus Based On The Distance They Run!


In China, a company has implemented an innovative approach to incentivize its employees.

As reported in South China Morning Post, The Dongpo Paper company in Guangdong province, has made a significant change to its employee bonus system.

Instead of the traditional year-end bonuses, the company has introduced a monthly incentive program that focuses on promoting employee fitness.

Under this new system, employees are rewarded based on their monthly running activities. This move aims to encourage a healthier lifestyle among the employees of Dongpo Paper.

As per the recently introduced policy, employees who complete a monthly distance of 50 kilometers will be eligible for their complete monthly bonus.

For those who cover 40 km, the bonus received will be 60% of the full amount, while those who manage to run 30 km will receive a bonus equivalent to 30% of their monthly entitlement.

If an employee completes a monthly running distance of 100 kilometers, they will be eligible for a bonus that is 30% higher than their regular amount.

Furthermore, the policy at Dongpo allows employees to engage in activities other than running. Apart from running, employees can also opt for hiking or speed walking, which would fulfill 60 and 30 percent of their total exercise requirements, respectively.