How 5G Is Going To Revolutionize The Indian Esports & Gaming Industry

India is all ready for the launch of 5th generation technology that is quite promising in raising the data and speed of Wi-Fi networks exponentially.

If one is to look at its immediate benefit then the the gaming industry is the most that is going to benefit out of it, next would be esports. How will 5G impact the esports and gaming industry in our country, let us understand this in detail.

Esports and gaming industry impacted by 5G

Data guzzling audience in India are at all time high with the introduction and launch of 5G services in telecom sector, it is a good news for those who regularly indulge in multiplayer video games, real-time gaming and live streaming. Additionally, faster downloads/ uploads and glitch-free multiplayer video games are good to go.

Following are some of the advantages of 5G for esport and video games:

  • Multiplayer gaming and cloud gaming
  • No latency/ lag
  • Increase in user base in 2 and 3 tier cities
  • AR and VR opportunity availability
  • Life streaming of video games
  • Hi-end gaming downloads / uploads

Effect of 5G on esports and video gaming industry

The fact is that each gamer likes speed and glitch-free gaming experience, where 5G is promising speed it also promises the user with zero lag issues.

Metaverse is yet another technology where 5G plays an enhanced gaming experience in providing the best technological experience to the user. Multiplayer games and social experience in VR is where majority users engage, 5G provides smoother experience impacting these industries positively.

5G is going to transform the gaming industry that would impact the communication online amongst new generation providing faster downloads, low latency, increased network, hyper localization and reliability. The developers on the other hand will be able to provide in more immersive gaming experience.

Even the cloud gaming industry that is still to be developed and explored is going to be impacted by 5G technology with its immense potential in bringing the masses together on one platform.

Ensuring best cloud gaming experience to gamers that would include Edge computing as a part of it. Enabling AAA gamers to enjoy games even without the use of hi-end gaming systems or sans hardware requirement.

  • India stands at second place with 500 million smartphone users after China.
  • Launching 5G boosts the mobile gaming experience and the gaming sector in India.
  • Enhanced data speed directly impacts huge data transfer at quick rate.
  • 5G helps in elimination of loss of data packets/ second that provides best gaming experience.
  • 5G is technologically capable of providing and supporting 100x increase in traffic and network.
  • Massive bandwidth, ultra-wideband and collaborative gaming whether video games or esports all are a part of 5G.
  • The enhanced network technology is supportive in providing accessible and affordable experience to esport players and gamers alike.
  • Gamers will be able to explore international arena with enhanced technological ecosystem.
  • Watching and streaming live games without disruption with 5-10 Mb updates almost 1GB updates provides good time for downloads in 5G speed network.
  • Growth in the sector ensures regularity in virtual gaming sector, specially esport events.
  • With esports gaining popularity and continual growth, jobs in that sector too will grow exponentially. For instance requirement for data handlers, event organizers, and game commentators will increase.

Finally, it is imperative to say that with 5G launch there are numerous advantages to not just the gaming and esports industry but to the end user and people who are a part of it in any way too shall benefit from it.