Comox Estuary: An Underwater Mystery on the Coast of Canada


The Earth is a surprising place, with a rich and diverse geography. There are still many places on Earth that are mysterious and unique. One such gem of a place is Canada's Comox Estuary, which is known to be an underwater mystery on the country's coast.

Located on the east side of Vancouver Island, the Salish Sea is the home to this mysterious spot.

This place also holds archeological and scientific importance. The Comox Estuary has had scientific research run on it, revealing many secrets about this place. It also portrays the cultural significance and the deep-rooted relation of the site with the indigenous people of Canada.

It is famous for the 150,000 to 200,000 stakes, which represent more than 300 fish traps. Radiocarbon dating, placed the ages from 1300 to more than 100 years old, to be precise.

Two different types of ancient fish traps were used, a heart-shaped trap and a chevron-shaped trap. Both were lined with woven wood panels.

Archaeologists studying these remnants believe that the fish traps provided food security for up to 12,000 K'omoks people, the traditional inhabitants of the Comox Valley.

The Comox Estuary is an example of the excellent engineering skills that the ancient people had. These stakes are built so strongly that even the fast-moving river's actions cannot break it apart. No matter if a tide hits it or a canoe, the stakes remain intact.

Rich in flora and fauna, Canada's Comox Estuary is home to the long-abandoned gardens found on the coast of British Columbia. This astounding place is found to be around 150-300 % more productive in marine organisms than the wild beaches.