Seeking Enlightenment: Read The Books That Fueled Steve Jobs' Vision


Steve Jobs: A name that resonates with unparalleled innovation, unmatched success, and profound insight. While his legacy through Apple stands as a testament to his genius, one wonders: What fueled his transcendence beyond ordinary boundaries?

Delve into a curated list of books that deeply influenced both his spiritual and material journey.

Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand

Published in 1957, this acclaimed book weaves philosophy, sci-fi, and economics into a compelling narrative, centered around an industrialist and a railroad executive, both striving to stabilize the nation amidst an economic crisis.

Jobs drew immense inspiration from its pages. The book's teachings can be seen in his rapid problem-solving and proactive approach. It served as a beacon, driving his passion and resilience through challenges.

Ramakrishna and his Disciples by Christopher Isherwood

Published in 1965, this 19th-century biography of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa captivated Jobs as a profound literary voyage.

The narrative, chronicling the saint's journey from his early years to his evolution into a revered spiritual figure, resonated deeply with Jobs, offering both fascination and spiritual enlightenment.

Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé

Many know of Jobs' rigorous dietary regimen, a choice inspired by this very book. Its insights on preparing protein-rich, meat-free meals transformed him into a vegan.

The book offers invaluable guidance on curating and planning wholesome meals.

Such was its impact on Jobs that it not only influenced his daily diet but also led him to adopt practices like fasting and cleansing.

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki

Jobs embraced meditation and mindfulness, tools that anchored him amidst turbulence. His guiding light? This seminal book on Zen meditation and its foundational principles.

Leveraging techniques from the book, Jobs consistently rediscovered his equilibrium during the most challenging phases of his career.

With the book's publication in 1970 and Jobs' endorsement, the concepts of Zen Buddhism gained newfound recognition in the US, where previously they had remained relatively obscure.

Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind, by Richard Maurice Bucke

In 1901, Maurice, a Canadian psychiatrist, penned an autobiographical exploration of his profound spiritual awakening and inner journey towards enlightenment.

Within, he elucidates the three tiers of consciousness: the rudimentary 'simple consciousness' akin to animal awareness, the 'self-consciousness' emblematic of human cognition with its logic and reasoning, and, paramount among them, the 'cosmic consciousness.'

This transcendent state represents the pinnacle of spiritual awareness.