Research Finds How Fat Cells in Skin Help Fight Acne
Teenagers and even adults who suffer from acne trying to get rid of it from months to years fighting this skin condition know how it feels and are looking for a solution to it all.
Now there might be some good news for those suffering from acne, as per research by skin experts, fat cells might hold the key into fighting acne. Let us find out all about it.
Skin Fats and Acne
Fatty acids that are fabricated by the cells present in our skin are not to be neglected anymore, especially with relation to acne breakouts.
As per experiments conducted on acne in humans and mouse skin, a discovery is made regarding pimples and lesions, it is seen that these two are regulated by fibroblasts that area known for the production of fats.
The most common connective tissue cells present in the body are known as Fibroblasts, they are responsible for the production and maintenance of our skin structure, for this reason they aid in healing of wounds too. However, when it comes to their role in relation to acne, these are often overlooked.
The subset are identified by the researchers that are a subset of fibroblasts, these are known to be the precursors to fat cells triggered by the pimple triggering bacterium called Cutibacterium acnes that cause inflammation that is commonly called acne.
When these infections occur, a specific part of fibroblasts begin appearing thereby stimulating the fats that are turned within the cells with the reactive process of adipogenesis.
Within the same process simultaneous process of triggering the release of cathelicidin, a peptide with antimicrobial properties takes place.
Why are these findings essential for acne?
With all the scientific jargon on skin fats and acne, the findings clearly state that these are vital steps that may help in treatment of acne.
It is as per Richard Gallo the dermatologist from the University of California San Diego. Bacteria and its development are looked further than the hair follicles and beyond it that is a vital step in this research.
While majority of research have been based on hair follicle and the supporting oil gland that lubricates the pore and clears dead skin cells and dirt, but pores with acne are blocked that becomes home to certain bacteria resulting inflammation.
More often treatment of acne have been done using retinoids for severe cases topically as it helps unclogging the pores and reduction in inflammation, but there is another way too for treating acne.
Research done on skin biopsies with acne patients were revolutionary in revealing the role retinoids play in enhancing the production of cathelicidin among some skin fibroblasts, it produces a chain reaction like sequence that enables in bringing the bacteria growth down at the same time it enhances the presence of new fat cells.
Similar findings were highlighted in tests carried out on mouse models.
Retinoid treatment are only carried out in severe cases today as it may be one of the reasons behind fetal abnormalities if the patient has conceived or in gestation period.
Figuring out the fibroblast production cathelicidin triggers that helps in fighting acne peptide boosting lesser side effects is essential.
Ongoing research into utilizing and creating the trigger of cathelicidin in relation to fibroblasts and fatty acids on the skin is the focus and it is significant development for the treatment of acne in a better manner.