The Health Regime of 7 Highly Successful Business Leaders and Personalities.

“It is so hard to hit the gym after office…”
“Ugh how do these people work productively post-lunch?”
“I think I’ll focus on my fitness when I take a break from work cos’ I can’t do both…”
If any of these thought-bubbles look like yours, then you know that this article calls out to YOU! This goes out to all the workaholics who think that staying healthy cannot happen alongside a hectic schedule.
Here are seven personalities that can lead you by example.
- Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SPACEX and TESLA maintains his fitness through sports like tennis and swimming. His house is well-fitted with health clubs and other amenities. This helps him to stay fit in the middle of a crazy work schedule.
- Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group indulges daily in activities like swimming, Bikram Yoga, rock climbing, running and weightlifting. As a person that enjoys adventure, he swears by rock climbing and hiking to remain fit. These help him to indulge in what he enjoys and stay fit as well.
- Anil Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Group swears by sprinting and jogging to remain fit. The business magnate is known for running marathons. Although he was overweight at one point, he is now known to lead life with healthier food choices and daily physical activities.
- Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder of Twitter has adopted a strict exercise routine and that has led to his success. His daily routine as per an interview with Men’s Health, is 5 kilometers of daily running and six sets of 20 squats and pushups.
He avoids liquor on weekdays and is a strict Paleo (form of diet where gluten, alcohol, dairy and sugar are avoided).
- Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook is another fit entrepreneur who believes in exercising five times a week. He also conducts his one-on-one meetings while walking and not sitting down.
- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. remains fit by regular cycling, hiking and working out. He is an early riser, who also visits the gym regularly. He is found munching low calorie energy bars even during his meetings.
- Oprah Winfrey, founder of Oprah Winfrey network and Harpo productions believes in a good cardio workout and mediation to charge her brain and body. She believes in actively taking out time every single day for her work-out. Her daily workout includes 45 minutes of cardio, and crunches, strength training, as well as observing silence two times a day (Source: O Magazine).