More Motivation To Help Your Child Stay Active

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More Motivation To Help Your Child Stay Active

More Motivation To Help Your Child Stay Active

More Motivation To Help Your Child Stay Active

Perhaps the easiest way to keep a child busy is to turn on the television. Most parents believe in the philosophy that a busy child is always better than a hyperactive one who keeps everyone on toes. However, studies have shown that sitting idle before the television is harmful for children in more ways than one.

Physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development in children. It helps build strong bones, improves immunity, motor skills, and mental awareness. In fact a number of studies conducted on the subject reveal that children with higher levels of physical activity have improved brain function, cognition and memory.

Here are some practical suggestions to include more physical activity in your child’s day:

Everyone enjoys dancing and kids are no exception

Research has shown that babies start enjoying music and dance early on. Dancing rejuvenates the mind and relaxes the body, and this holds true for children as well. Dance along with your child to make them feel more comfortable. Impromptu dancing is a good way to infuse energy into a dull evening.

Encourage your child to make new friends

The idea of befriending others is not new for us but we presume that children can make friends easily. This is not true for all children. Some children are extrovert by nature and are quick to make friends whereas others take time.

Says John Malouff, clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Nova Southeastern University, USA, “Shy children want to interact with unfamiliar others but don’t because of their fear.” You need not pressurize your little genius to befriend every child of his or her age, instead try to be a catalyst in helping them make new friendships.

Who doesn’t love swinging?

We’ve all grown up playing against gravity. Children have a special place for swings in their life. They can spend hours on a swing. If you have a backyard, there’s nothing like placing a swing for children to enjoy. Even if you have limited space, hang a swing from the ceiling and watch your children discover a new kind of joy.

Involve your loved ones in your daily chores

Children have huge potential. They can learn quickly and surprise you with their performance. Even a toddler can place her toys in the box.

Experts believe that doing household chores benefits a child in many ways. It makes children feel involved and responsible, makes them self-reliant and teaches them how to prioritize tasks. Engage children in physical activity around the house by inviting them to do simple things like stacking books on a shelf, keeping clothes in the cupboard, washing fruits and vegetables, keeping food items in the fridge – the list is endless.

Utilizing creativity in art and craft

Children are highly creative. However simply providing them with paper and colors is not enough. Motivate your loved one by teaching them newer ways of bringing thoughts to life. Set a time during the weekend when everyone in the family would come together for a creativity meet. Even if a child is sitting and making something, their energy gets used up in a productive way.

Games are good for everyone

Remember your childhood years, how you used to spend hours and hours trying to hit the queen in a game of carom board. Playing table tennis with friends was your favorite pastime. Although technology has changed our lifestyle in a big way, the thrill of board games like Ludo, Snakes & Ladders, Chess, Chinese Checkers, Monopoly, Plot 4, Battleship etc. can never vanish. Give your beloved a chance to live your childhood too. The fun laden games like Cut the Cake, Hide n Seek, Catch me if you can etc. can make even the laziest fellow move.

Gift your child something special

We all love wheels, don’t we? Nothing can match the fun of riding a bike on a sunny day. Gift your toddler a pulling cart, a boxing dummy or a tricycle. The pre-school child is ready to try roller skates. Gift them a kite to explore the sky. Remember, kids love to kick a football more than popping balloons.
